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Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin

This publication is the principal journal for Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators.
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About the Journal

The Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin (RCB) features articles important to rehabilitation counseling practitioners in counseling, education, or research settings. Each issue includes original empirical research, theoretical essays, comprehensive literature reviews, intensive case studies, research critiques, and brief reports. RCB’s insightful book reviews and test critiques help inform both research and practice. Article topics cover a wide range—from ethical dilemmas related to counseling clients with HIV/AIDS to the training needs of rehabilitation counselors. Special series focus on specific issues, such as race and rehabilitation services. Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE in association with the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association.

Continuing Education

Please note that ARCA members are able to earn one (1) continuing education unit for each article by completing the Continuing Education Questions. To receive the credit, you must answer at least four of the five questions correctly for each article. This is a free service for ARCA members. Please email your answer sheet to ARCA’s Director of the Council on Organization, Administration, and Management, Dr. Trent Landon at If you have any issues with sending your answer sheet to Dr. Landon, please feel free to contact the ARCA Office at You can also visit the RCB website for more information.

Submit a Manuscript

The RCB is published by Sage Publishing, which disseminates high-quality research and engaged scholarship globally and is committed to diversity and inclusion in publishing. Sage submission guidelines and policies are available on the publisher’s site.


The RCB Editorial Board is led by:

Fong Chan

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Timothy Tansey

University of Wisconsin-Madison

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